Department: Economics and Business Studies Department

Center: Faculties

Research group: I2TIC Interdisciplinary research group on ICT


Doctor by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya with the thesis Innovació tecnològica, creixement econòmic i economia del coneixement una aproximació empírica, agregada i internacional a la incorporació del coneixement a l'activitat productiva durant la dècada dels noranta 2002. Supervised by Dr. Jordi Vilaseca Requena.

Full professor of Economics at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's (UOC) Faculty of Economics and Business. Holder of a doctoral degree in Economics (UOC doctoral programme in the Information and Knowledge Society). Holder of a degree in Economics and Business Studies, and a master's degree in Applied Economics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). His research activity is related with the analysis of the digital transformation's business, economic, labour, well-being and health dimensions. His main research interests include productivity, competitiveness and sustainability; entrepreneurship and innovation; work, training and employability, and well-being at work and e-health. He is the founder and director of the UOC's Interdisciplinary Research Group on ICTs (i2TIC). This interdisciplinary, inter-university and international research group, recognized by the Catalan University and Research Grant Management Agency (AGAUR) as a consolidated research group in the 2017-2020 call (proc: SGR 2017 147), has thirty researchers from different fields of social sciences. Its main research goal is the interdisciplinary analysis of the rationale and results of the use of digital technologies on enterprise, work and the economy. The i2TIC has five main research programmes: i) economy, business and digital transformation; ii) e-learning, work and employability; iii) sustainable management; iv) e-health and telemedicine; and v) occupational health and well-being at work. As a result of this research dynamic, he has published 97 articles in international and national scientific journals, including 41 articles in JCR ISI SSCI/SCIE-indexed journals and 18 articles in SJR SCOPUS-indexed journals. He has authored 41 books and 23 book chapters, published by IGI Global, Verlag, Palgrave MacMillan, IntechOpen, Ariel, Pirámide, ESIC or Mundi Prensa, among others. He has presented papers at 36 international scientific congresses and 17 national congresses, and has given 115 lectures and talks at various seminars and research transfer activities. He has led 14 competitive or contract research projects, funded by the European Commission (Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media), the European Social Fund, the European Union's structural funds, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Fundamental Non-Oriented Research Projects), the Government of Catalonia (Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Catalan Employment Service [SOC] and the Information and Knowledge Society Observatory Foundation), the Catalan Labour, Economic and Social Affairs Council, the Girona Chamber of Commerce and the Barcelona Digital Foundation. He has supervised eight doctoral theses (plus four currently under supervision). He has supervised – or currently supervises – 57 final university master's degree projects. He is a reviewer for 30 journals, a member of the academic editorial board of Sustainability and a research project and programme assessor at various agencies (AGAUR, ANEP).